We are loving what we are learning in this new  Magento eCommerce universe. It’s vast and complex, yet easily understood and exciting for growth. Thankfully, we’re not the only ones excited about this new frontier and how it’s changing the way we do eCommerce. There’s a group of fans who are putting in the good work, creating tutorials, answering questions, and offering insight on Magento today, and where it’s headed tomorrow. Let’s take a look at our favorite pit stops to fill up on news, answers, and more.

Straight From the Source 

Magento Blog

Obviously, straight from the source is the best place to go, right? The Magento Blog is the best place to receive the latest news, tips, and advice for maximizing your online store. Here is where you can hear from experts, get real-time updates, and so much more information that will turn your team into Magento aficionados. 



#MagentoMonday is a themed weekly topic within the Magento Community Forum under News & Announcements. Each Monday, Magento admins provide a community digest on top solution providers within the community, upcoming events, new external resources like podcasts, videos, and more. This is a great start for anyone looking to really immerse themselves within the Magento community. 

From the Outside 


Magestore is a third party retail system used to optimize integrations inside of Magento with companies, in addition to other CRMs and programs much like Magento. Their blog is an extensive resource for training on Magento, tips, tricks, and related extension products that can help users and clients have a more customized experience. 

Practical eCommerce

Practical eCommerce may not be specifically about Magento, but with Magento leading the pack as the largest e-commerce platform available, it’s hard to not find information about Magento here. Practical eCommerce publishes and shares independently written articles about eCommerce current events and market changes, in an attempt to keep members of the industry, relevant and wholly notified. Give it a look even if you aren’t looking for Magento needs.


Inchoo is an eCommerce Agency with a strong following on their in-house blog. Whatever they’re doing besides providing excellent Magento resources, it must be right: over 140,000 users search Magento-related topics each day on this blog platform. Learn new solutions on a near-daily basis thanks to their level of transparency with certain in-house issues, get free access to reusable code, and upcoming trends. 


SiteGround offers free tutorials on Magento features as well as an excellent FAQ section that appears to be regularly updated. These tutorials are fit for individuals ranging from beginner experience to absolute experts. You can even learn how Google Analytics and Magento work together, which is an added plus, as Google Analytics become more common practice, and more expected to be available for review by many teams within organizations on top of our regular Magento needs.  

Conclusion (For Now) 

As our knowledge base grows, we hope to keep this article up to date as possible. Just like many users and companies, our team is constantly learning and growing as we become more familiar with Magento and its inner workings. As always, we’re proud to be part of this new eCommerce community and it’s vast, welcoming, and interactive far more than we imagined. If you’ve got a resource you love or want to share with us your own Magento experiences, feel free to drop us a line.

Danielle Longueville

A Dentonite since 2010, Danielle has an eclectic professional background of networking, marketing, event planning, and digital marketing and production, all within the DFW area.


