At GSATi, we take pride in our diverse team, both in house and abroad. Introducing #workfromaywhere, a blog series dedicated to highlighting the joys -and stressors- of operating as a remote employee, featuring members of the #GSATiFamily. Each post will share of favorite work places, stories and experiences as a remote associate. Click here and discover what it’s like to #workfromanywhere from the perspective of #GSATiFamily member Richard Petrie.


Richard Petrie
Scrum Master / Manager of Process Improvement
1 year 4 Months

Why did you choose Remote Life?

I’ve worked from home in the past and really missed the flexibility it offered so when the opportunity came up I jumped at it. Being “remote” has this fantastic ability to let me be anywhere or in the same place – all at once!

Where can we find you working most days?

For a while I was bouncing back and forth between a pseudo co-working space (actually it was an abandoned shopping mall with a shoe repair guy outside my door) and from home. But now I have the perfect ‘ready room’ at home so I spend my days Scrumming there.

What’s the hardest part about working remotely?

I’m sure many would agree there is a risk of feeling disconnected with the team however video chat and regular check-ins with team mates generally take care of that.

What’s the best part about working remotely?

Hands down the flexibility. Working like this makes it possible to have more time for the things that really sweeten life (school events for kids, breakfast or lunch dates with my wife) and yet I can still be connected to everything that’s happening with the team (go Slack mobile!)

Do you see yourself returning to typical office life?

I suppose it is always a possibility, but it would have to be that perfect blend of people, proximity to home, and just the right amount of awesome sauce.

What advice would you give to someone starting remote associate life for the first time?

Stay connected, and be intentional on reaching out to your team mates. Remember, you may not be the only remote person and so everyone needs each other! Oh, and change up where you are broadcasting from occasionally… keeps it fun and engaging for your team mates to see “where will they appear next”? 

Any other tips?
It’s really the way to go if you are a superhero – allows you to work in the day, and save the world by night. What more could you ask for? 

 Thanks Richard for sharing your experience with us! To dive a little deeper into the life of Richard and our other #GSATiFamily members, visit our full blog section here

Danielle Longueville

A Dentonite since 2010, Danielle has an eclectic professional background of networking, marketing, event planning, and digital marketing and production, all within the DFW area.


