GSATi Gets A New Look: Our 7.1 Website
You’ve heard it here first: Our team is proud to present a refreshed look and a strengthened direction at GSATi through our new website. The same platform, new focus to bring more of our clients to the eCommerce sector and beyond. Join us for a brief dive into what’s changed, where we’re headed, and what’s in store for the GSATiFamily.
In The Beginning
Since our inception, GSATi has focused on elevating brands in the eCommerce environment as well as in the brick-and-mortar sense. With a strong emphasis on direct sales, we grew to understand the importance of digital presence and the ability to grow inventory in tandem with a client’s customer base, whether it be in person or online. During those years, we fostered connections, grew with our tech partners, and embraced the verticals in which we could truly shine, including product distribution and overall web management. It was truly an enriching time for us all.
A Pandemic-Induced Pivot
In 2020, it became clear that there was a greater need for eCommerce and enterprise management amongst our clientele—and the general business environment as well—as businesses were forced to close storefronts and migrate online quickly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. And along with our clients, we were forced to pivot as well, creating solutions for each one that were unique to their business and their clients’ needs. From curbside pickup to some eventual closures, we seemed to have witnessed it all. Our experiences showed us that it was our responsibility to up the ante and strengthen our skills and expertise to continue to go above and beyond for our clients.
2021: A New Beginning And A New Focus
Now in 2021, we are proud to unveil our refreshed look to pair with our strengthened vision to elevate our clients with a focus on eCommerce and omnichannel experience. Support and business services will continue as usual, as we are just as passionate about developing in those areas as well. This small, targeted, and determined pivot for our team is merely honing in on what we’ve been developing for years. We’re bringing our expertise to the forefront to alert this influx of new eCommerce pioneers that they are not alone - that there are resources near (and far) that can help make their online business visions a reality.
Now, we’re complete with a fresh, new website that exemplifies GSATi, our team of experts, and how we’re equipped to be your one-stop shop for eCommerce. Let’s take a look around.
What’s Changed
A New Look and Feel
In 2020, Squarespace released a 7.1 version of its offered platform. In this new version, users are better able to create websites using templates and pre-designed content blocks to make beautiful, strong, and effective websites faster and with greater efficiency. We could not pass up a chance to use this updated platform to showcase our new vision.
As you peruse our website, you’ll see changes to the look and feel of how we showcase our work through the use of specific design elements, updated imagery, and our overall navigation in ways that better communicate our intentions, our visions, and past work. We’re in love with the new capabilities that Squarespace developed for the 7.1 platform. Their desire to make the user’s development process more straightforward has made it easier for us to infuse our work with a dash of innovative magic.
if you’re looking to schedule time to meet with our service delivery team, or want to request a new project with our team, you can do so in just a few clicks.
Meet With Our Team: HubSpot
We’ve been long-time users of HubSpot as a marketing and sales platform in some form or fashion for the last several years. This year, we decided to take our relationship to the next level and dig into the sales funnel resources HubSpot offers to help businesses better track new projects, client interactions, and engagement with our community. This includes added integrations for custom forms and scheduler features. Meaning, if you’re looking to schedule time to meet with our service delivery team, or want to request a new project with our team, you can do so in just a few clicks.
With this new feature, we’re better able to connect with new clients or current clients looking for supplemental assistance. Now, our sales funnels move like rapids rather than bubbling brooks. Instead of relying on a single contact us page, users can engage with us in a way that best suits their niche needs.
Chat Anytime: LiveChat
Our newest feature, and possibly one of our more exciting features, is the addition of LiveChat to our customer service support. This feature includes bot assistance as well as human management so that our customers and their inquiries are addressed as quickly as possible. Up to this point, users would be forced to send us an email, or message on social media, in order to ask us a general question about our services, which would often result in a delayed response, especially after hours. Now, users can receive preliminary responses that help guide customers to their answers until a live person from our team is able to engage with them more extensively.
Looking Forward
As we move forward together with this new outlook, our hope is that we are able to provide even better service to our clients. That our team and their expertise are effectively showcased as presented by our work and our history with the community. Additionally, we hope that our clients, community, and partners feel empowered by working with us and through our shared knowledge as presented on our blog and through social media. In short, we want ourselves and our world to grow better together.
We’re thankful for the continued support of our organization as we grow and innovate our efforts to best serve our clients. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or would like to learn more about how we can work together to maximize your eCommerce efforts, please feel free to reach out and contact us today, or request a project quote.